Animal: The Autobiography of a Female Body
Sara Pascoe

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Published: 2017

Sometimes Sara Pascoe confuses herself. She gets wildly and pointlessly jealous. She spends too much time hating her bum. And you know what she hates more than her bum? Her preoccupation with her bum. She’s had sexual experiences with boys she wasn’t really into, but still got a post-coital crush on them. She’s ruined brand-new relationships by immediately imagining them going into reverse.

There was so much about her behaviour that Pascoe wanted to understand. So she started researching what makes us – women – tick. And what she read made her eyes fall out of her face. Reader, here is everything science has to tell us about love, sexuality, infidelity, boobs, periods, pubes, broodiness, and clever old fat. Merry Christmas and Hallelujah! Suddenly being a woman doesn’t look like such a minefield after all.


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