
Women's Prize for Non-Fiction 2024

The winner of the inaugural Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction is Doppelganger by Naomi Klein!

The judging panel for the 2024 Prize is chaired by historian and broadcaster Professor Suzannah Lipscomb. She is joined by fair fashion campaigner Venetia La Manna; academic, author and consultant Professor Nicola Rollock; biographer and journalist Anne Sebba; and author and 2018 winner of the Women’s Prize for Fiction Kamila Shamsie.


Doppelganger by Naomi Klein

Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein is the inaugural winner of the Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction. The book shines a light on the shadow world of social media – where facts are malleable, disinformation is prevalent and conspiracy theories abound – Klein captures the absurdities and dangers of the modern age, on a personal, social and political level. Doppelganger prompts us to rethink the moment we’re in, to reject fixed ideas about each other, and to forge a path to a more cohesive, inclusive and stable future.


The 2024 Women's Prize for Non-Fiction shortlist

The 2024 Women's Prize for Non-Fiction longlist


The Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction is a major new annual book prize that celebrates exceptional narrative non-fiction by women. The Prize promotes excellence in writing, robust research, original narrative voices and accessibility, showcasing women’s expertise across a range of fields.

The Prize will be awarded annually and is open to all women writers from across the globe who are published in the UK and writing in English. The winner receives a cheque for £30,000 and a limited-edition artwork known as the ‘Charlotte’, both gifted by the Charlotte Aitken Trust.


Judging process

For the first time this year, a panel of five women, all passionate readers and at the top of their respective professions, will choose the winner of the inaugural Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction.

The whole process starts in the summer of the previous year. We approach potential judges and invite UK publishers to submit eligible books.

Judges plunge immediately into reading their allocated books, basing their deliberations for the longlist, shortlist and winner on three core tenets, which mirror its sister fiction prize: excellence, originality and accessibility.

Women's Prize for Non-Fiction Longlist Announced 15 February 2024
Women's Prize for Non-Fiction Shortlist Announced 27 March 2024
Women's Prize for Non-Fiction Winner Announced 13 June 2024

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